Read some informational blogs about driving safety tips from Comedy Defensive Driving® School. We offer classroom and online traffic courses. Visit our website today.

ALLERGIES IMPAIR DRIVING - Comedy Defensive Driving


I recently found out that I am allergic to nuts. So I have stopped dating, altogether. I am also allergic to cats. Not the feline, but the musical “CATS.” I’ve seen it once on Broadway and my eyes swelled shut (any musical, for that matter). The real bummer is that I drove to the theatre,…

children pumping gas Comedy Defensive Driving


My nine year old niece is so much like me when I was her age. Her days are filled with lots of daydreaming and asking random questions. One morning while spacing out and eating her cereal she said “Aunt Daun, did you know Jesus’ last name is Christ?” In my family, we fondly refer to…

Hit And Run

I know a couple who live near downtown Dallas and their home is near a busy intersection. On weekends, they say there are a lot of car accidents in that intersection late at night. Sometimes when the crashes occur, it jars them from a deep sleep. They wake up, look out the window and sometimes…