Read some informational blogs about driving safety tips from Comedy Defensive Driving® School. We offer classroom and online traffic courses. Visit our website today.

Your First Car

Do you remember your first car? Sure you do! How could you forget her? It was either a good experience or a bad experience. But, for most of us, either way, it was a life altering experience. I remember my first car like it was yesterday. I also remember the car that I really wanted,…

Tips For Criminals

Although I am not a criminal, I must admit that sometimes I act like one. Perhaps it is just a habit, but if I see a police car, I inevitably lock ’em up…even if I’m not speeding. Isn’t that crazy? It must be what they would call submission to authority (or at least that’s what…


Of all the distractions while driving, texting is numero uno. It happens to be the one that’s raising the greatest rage among safety researchers, industry critics, auto companies and federal and state regulators. Texting is taking lives, and that is provoking national outrage which is resulting in new laws and safety campaigns nationwide. I remember…


Recently, Trapster released a list of the ten top cities for speed traps. If you’re not familiar with it, Trapster is a website as well as a smartphone app that alerts drivers to traps, hazards and other traffic issues on their route. Although, 50% of the activity available on trapster involves live police speed traps,…


Roadkill Bingo. I thought it sounded like a great idea, but someone had already beat me to it. Playing a game like this on a road trip would be a refreshing change from a kid being focused on a laptop or a video game for hours. It would also encourage them to actually look out…


Got your attention? This blog is not about naked car driving. But it does sound like fun, doesn’t it? Do you want to know what I had for breakfast? Froot Loops and a Dr. Pepper. That’s one great thing about being a grownup. You can do whatever the heck you want and no one can…