Read some informational blogs about driving safety tips from Comedy Defensive Driving® School. We offer classroom and online traffic courses. Visit our website today.

Seniors Driving Longer

One of the most dreaded issues that we face as adults is how to tell our aging parents they can no longer drive. Once an elderly person’s independence is taken away, it’s usually a downward spiral. I personally don’t enjoy driving, so this won’t be an issue for me when I reach that point in…

Future Drivers

Will the young kids of today ever have to drive a car in the future? I tell young drivers in my Comedy Defensive Driving School classroom that, in the very near future they will probably be telling their grandchildren “I remember when I was your age and I had to take a defensive driving class.”…

Self-Driving Vehicle

My eight year old Niece was absolutely obsessed with the new Tesla showcased at the mall this weekend. When I told her that it is a self-driving vehicle, she looked at me like “you’re just messing with me, right?” The same look she gave me at her Grandfather’s funeral when I told her that Grandpa…

Holiday Car Safety Tips

Christmas is the time for giving! The Salvation Army’s bell ringer is almost “pavlovian” to our ears, reminding us that it is better to give than to receive. It also should remind us that not everyone is fortunate enough to afford buying gifts. And desperate times call for desperate measures. During busy holiday shopping, cars…

Winter Road Conditions

I grew up in the Midwest where winters were brutal. But when you’re a kid, none of that matters. We would ice skate on a frozen pond, smack dab in the middle of a creepy old cemetery. And we wouldn’t come home until our fingers and toes were nearly frostbitten. I remember that “pins and…

The Latest Airbags

Cars now have more airbags than ever! Some cars even have up to 10 airbags. My Dad used to fondly refer to my Mom as “The Seat Belt” because she’d throw her arm across your chest whenever she had to slam on the brakes. Now he calls her “The Airbag.” Sweet of him to create…

Auto Insurance Discounts

My car is old, but my insurance company still gives me auto insurance discounts for its “three” safety features (the airbags, anti-lock brakes, and the anti-theft system). So, with the latest safety features available now, I’m curious about what discounts I would qualify for if I had a newer car. Of course, the real high-dollar…