Read some informational blogs about driving safety tips from Comedy Defensive Driving® School. We offer classroom and online traffic courses. Visit our website today.

Deicing Your Windshield

The winter chill is in the air! Even in Texas, we’ve had freezing temperatures. So, make sure you have the proper tools to help with deicing your windshield. Just yesterday, I saw a road rage incident where one driver cut off another driver. The person who was cut off retaliated by throwing an entire strawberry…

Detailing Your Car

When I purchased my new car, my daughter and I made a pact that we would never, ever eat in the car. That lasted about two weeks and now you can find petrified french fries wedged between the seats, covered in white West Highland Terrier fur and sprinkled in shame. The appearance of your car…

Gas Saving Tips

With the high price of fuel, I find myself spending a lot of time just driving around aimlessly searching for the best gas prices. That, in itself, is a waste of fuel. I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea and think that I’ve been “sniffing” too much fuel here. I can’t win for…