Read some informational blogs about driving safety tips from Comedy Defensive Driving® School. We offer classroom and online traffic courses. Visit our website today.

Giving thanks for everything

The month of November always brings fond memories of holiday seasons past. It’s hard to forget the entertaining turkey dinners with my aunt and uncle who always fought like they were on the Jerry Springer Show or my gay cousin who incidentally lived in San Francisco, would always catch crap from his homophobic dad. But…

Happy Halloween, you bastards

I would like to start this blog off with wishing you and your’s a safe and happy All Hallows Eve, Halloween, All Souls and All Saints holiday.  There will be gobblins, witches, mummies, vampires and Lady Gagas on the streets trick or treating, but even scarier than that, drunk drivers will be on the same…

Too much booze equals Jackass

The physiological effects of alcohol, boy do I know this one all too well.  Who among us has not prayed to the porcelain god at 3am?  Who has ever woke up the next morning lying beside a bar beast or landing in jail because of Jose or Jack?  Maybe you’ve said, “Man…sure I slept with…

Trashy people

Littering on our roads is a major problem. Jerk-offs who think the world is their personal garbage can and has no regard for the environment. I once dated a woman who I thought was almost perfect in every way, boy was I wrong. She was a head-turner, stunning beauty that captivated any room she walked…

Lighting can fool you

I was in a bar after a show in New Orleans when in walks the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. This Venus lured you in by her mere presents with her long auburn hair, ocean colored eyes and an arousing body that was sculpted by the hand of God himself! She took the…

Exiting the relationship

I inserted this title because of the freeze frame on the You Tube video 🙂 So my friend calls and says she wants to get out of this relationship she’s been in for the last seven months. First of all, why are you calling me? This sounds like a “Sex in the City” dialogue. Should…

Anticipating the actions of others

Anticipating the actions of others, wow! I have to say when this one came down the pipe my first thought was all the ex-girlfriends and the bad relationships I have had. Could I tie this in with driving, sure…I mean driving and bad relationship go hand in hand. Think about it, you have a relationship…

Who is the worst driver

  Ahhh, to be young again, driving with the wind in your hair and not a care in the world, except who you will ask out for prom.  I remember the first time I drove by myself without my parents or that stringent driving instructor.  I felt like Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie Titanic, “I’m…

Driver’s Karma

The traffic light is the device that regulates our driving lives. It decides whether or not we are late or on time to our destination. But some would dare to have a shameless disregard for our social order. Renegades of the road speed up when they see a yellow light and tear through the intersection…