Read some informational blogs about driving safety tips from Comedy Defensive Driving® School. We offer classroom and online traffic courses. Visit our website today.

What Do I Do…

What do I do? I had to ask myself that question as I was meditating one night before bed, OK maybe I was more MEDICATing then “tating”. None the less, I pondered that self-inquiry and if one is not expecting that, it could raise some self-doubt. “What do I do?”- The little voice that my…

Children of the Sun

I think when we stop hating other human beings because of race, sexual orientation and ideology/religion, we will be ready. When we stop following the false idol of currency, killing each other and ourselves, we will be ready! When we stop destroying our planet, the home that was giving to us and all living beings,…


A Fauxlebrity is someone who is a “fake celebrity” A person with no talent who is often thrust into the limelight usually because of reality TV, being the offspring of a celebrity, or being associated with someone talented. But let us not forget the biggest fauxlebrities of them all, the heir of someone else’s fortune.…

The Car, Says A Lot About You

Driving is a big part of our lives and what you drive is a compelling symbol of your personality and sometimes your economic status. Back in the day, families would get together for a Sunday drive. The kind of leisure you would see on those old colorful postcards, with mom and dad in the front…

Time Hypnosis

I hope you had a great Valentine’s Day. I can’t believe it’s already the middle of February; this year is already going by too fast! I think I’m getting “time hypnosis”, it’s kind of like highway hypnosis while driving, you know when you drive on a long-distance road trip and you get caught up in…

Dallas Cowboys Cause Road Rage

So the Dallas Cowboy’s 2009 season came to an end this past Sunday against the Minnesota Vikings. On the way home to my apt. after the game I noticed more road rage than usual on the streets of Dallas. I also noticed most of the road rage drivers were wearing Dallas Cowboy’s apparel, is this…

2009 What a Year

Wow, 2009 came and went like a speeder driving in the left lane at 90mph, advancing in and out of the months and seasons like a cabbie changing lanes on the way to the airport! Last year was a blur. I think my recollection of ’09 was the equivalent of highway hypnosis, how the hell…

Holiday Traffic Blues

Well, brace yourself the Christmas season is with us again! I don’t think I’m ready to drive all over town for last-minute shopping, dealing with traffic, going to Blockbuster on Christmas Eve buying DVDs or buying some cheap-ass gifts at Walgreens on my way to Grandma’s house. But you know granny never seems to get…

Thank God for the wingman

Ah, there are so many things to be thankful for in this beautiful month of November, leaves changing colors, football, turkey dinner, the cool crisp air of a fall night and all the friendly drivers I see every day on the freeways in Dallas. People closing the gap when someone has their signal on to…