Read some informational blogs about driving safety tips from Comedy Defensive Driving® School. We offer classroom and online traffic courses. Visit our website today.

The New Year

I hope you had a fun and happy holiday! Now that the new year is upon us, have you thought about what to do for the new year? How about taking a new year road trip or adventure to a place you’ve never been before? Try some new food, check out their local culture, go…

What’s Your Signal??

All too often I see drivers not using a car turn signal before they turn or change lanes. I don’t care if you cut me off, as long as you turn on your blinker to let me know you are coming over, that’s fine by me! This student in one of my defensive driving classes…

Don’t Drink & Die

Happy Holidays and cheers to everyone! Now, I’m not anti-alcohol, as a matter of fact I love to have a couple of drinks….before I go to work and when I say work, I’m talking about when I’m performing at the comedy clubs! But if you’re going to drink, you don’t have to drive! There are…

The Wave, Dude!

The other day traffic was backed up and this dude was coming out of a parking lot.  When the traffic started to move I let him in, as the truck pulled in front of me, the dude didn’t give “a wave”! I was just as offended as if he just shot me the finger!  I…

Happy Holiday Rush

As we start our once a year ritual of the holiday season, oh wait a minute, it actually started over a month ago according to the commercials on tv and that holiday music I heard on the radio. The holidays are a time for getting together with friends and family and hopefully a time for remembering…