Flight of the Mattress

This past week I was working at a comedy club in Wichita, Kansas.  The manager of the club was taking another comedian to the airport.  They were switching lanes on the freeway to pass an 18-wheeler, when all a sudden a fire extinguisher was coming at them like a bad 3-d movie.  The manager said…


Driver Pet Peeves

As a defensive driving instructor, I hear all kinds of driver pet peeves.  One of the most common driving pet peeves has to be tailgating.  But when you have a room full of speed demons and traffic outlaws, what do you think is the number one driving-nuisance?  Oh course, “slow drivers” or the “really slow drivers”…


Butt Out!!!!

You ever been driving on the road and a lit cigarette comes flying at you from the car ahead? Sure, it has. It amazes me how many people think that a cigarette butt is no big deal and they don’t consider it littering. In fact, cigarette filters are made of plastic cellulose acetate, and it…


The New Year

I hope you had a fun and happy holiday! Now that the new year is upon us, have you thought about what to do for the new year? How about taking a new year road trip or adventure to a place you’ve never been before? Try some new food, check out their local culture, go…
