One of the leading causes of a multiple vehicle pileup is from tailgating. Why do people insist on following too closely? Especially on the freeway, with less than a car length between them and the car ahead, doing 80+ mph. Basic driver education teaches the current safe following distance formula or method (or what some also call a stopping distance). But, especially in heavy traffic, that formula goes right out the window, along with your manners and any remaining dignity. If you do go to the trouble of creating a safe following distance, another car will slip into that space, forcing you to tailgate. So, once again you repeat the process to leave a safe distance between you and the car ahead and someone else slips into that space. Maybe that’s why people generally leave less than a car length between them and the car ahead. There’s no winning. Combine this with distractions and no clear visibility ahead and here comes your pileup and your picture on the six o’clock news.

This is why tailgating is most definitely a moving violation. What is a safe following distance in terms of seconds? With the rise of speed limits, the current following distance while driving is now 3 seconds in dry weather. This is to be doubled to a 6-second rule in wet weather. And it is to be tripled to a 9-second rule in icy/snowy weather.

Most driver education instructors teach drivers to avoid dangerous tailgating distances the following way. Once the car ahead of you has passed a stationary object, you should be able to count the appropriate number of seconds before your car passes the same object.

So, good luck there my friend! It may take you twice as long to get to your destination if you practice this method, but at least you will arrive (undead).

Until next week…

Daun Thompson
Writer / Comedienne / Artist

FOLLOWING DISTANCE – Comedy Defensive Driving School