One of the leading causes of a multiple vehicle pileup is from tailgating. Why do people insist on following too closely? Especially on the freeway, with less than a car length between them and the car ahead, doing 80+ mph. Basic driver education teaches the current safe following distance formula or method (or what some…

Insurance Rates Increased

Due to insurance companies paying out unprecedented sums and claims, you will notice that your automotive insurance rates have increased. According to industry watchdogs auto insurance for 2022 had an average increase of 9% and for 2023 the average increase is 7%.  Here are some of the factors that determine your rates: Driving record Credit…

Railroad Crossings - Comedy Defensive Driving


I grew up in a house that stood about 1,500 feet from the Burlington Northern rail line. And when those trains would sound that crazy horn at wee hours of night it would scare the bejeezus out of me! Heck, I think because of that, I wet the bed until I was in middle school.…

A Wrong Way Driver

January marked the first death in Texas due to a wrong-way driver. Every driver knows that road reflectors on the highway at night will reflect a silvery white. If you’re going the wrong way on the highway at night, they will reflect red, meaning that you are going the wrong way! Trust me, you don’t…

Male v.s. Female Drivers

It has been an ongoing argument since the caveman invented the wheel (or was it Fred Flintstone?) that men are better drivers than women. Or are they? Statistically, more men die in car crashes than women. But, statistically, men drive more than women. My own personal observation regarding male vs female drivers is that men…

Road Rage

Now that the holidays are over, we can get back to being our old, angry selves. How many of us have thought “Let’s just cut the phony business and stop being the nice, caring and giving individuals that we portrayed ourselves to be throughout the holiday season.” Who cares about other people’s feelings? I have…

Home Made Winter Car Care

Winter weather conditions up north are unbearable. With a wind chill of twenty degrees below zero, I feel like a jerk for complaining about how chilly it is here in North Texas. At this point, a Florida trip sounds like the best solution. My sister Karla lives in Sarasota and boasted that she was spending…

A Patient Driver

Happy Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Winter Solstice…Happy Everything!! I went up to the post office yesterday to mail out my Christmas cards and stolen goods (because they say the best things in life are free…that’s why I shop lift). And you know what I miss? They used to have a bulletin board at…