One of the leading causes of a multiple vehicle pileup is from tailgating. Why do people insist on following too closely? Especially on the freeway, with less than a car length between them and the car ahead, doing 80+ mph. Basic driver education teaches the current safe following distance formula or method (or what some…

Insurance Rates Increased

Due to insurance companies paying out unprecedented sums and claims, you will notice that your automotive insurance rates have increased. According to industry watchdogs auto insurance for 2022 had an average increase of 9% and for 2023 the average increase is 7%.  Here are some of the factors that determine your rates: Driving record Credit…

open container laws in Texas


What do you want for Christmas? If it’s bail money, then maybe this blog is a little too late for you. But maybe it’s not too late for everyone else. Most people don’t drink and drive anymore. And why would you, with so many inexpensive rideshare services available now? But what about the open container…

winter tire pressure check


We’ve already had a few freezes in Texas this month, which is not typical for November. But Mother Nature is certainly bipolar or perhaps she’s off her meds. My new car has so many crazy sensors in it. Last week, the dash lit up with a flashing sign “Warning: Tire Pressure Low.” But, which tire??…

Stopping for a School Bus while driving


I have written several blogs striving to educate drivers about stopping for a school bus. This topic is a priority whenever I teach defensive driving. Since many drivers take the course online now, there are fewer students in my classroom. So. I kind of joke with them that we at Comedy Defensive Driving School are…

Hit And Run

I know a couple who live near downtown Dallas and their home is near a busy intersection. On weekends, they say there are a lot of car accidents in that intersection late at night. Sometimes when the crashes occur, it jars them from a deep sleep. They wake up, look out the window and sometimes…