One of the leading causes of a multiple vehicle pileup is from tailgating. Why do people insist on following too closely? Especially on the freeway, with less than a car length between them and the car ahead, doing 80+ mph. Basic driver education teaches the current safe following distance formula or method (or what some…

winter tire pressure check


We’ve already had a few freezes in Texas this month, which is not typical for November. But Mother Nature is certainly bipolar or perhaps she’s off her meds. My new car has so many crazy sensors in it. Last week, the dash lit up with a flashing sign “Warning: Tire Pressure Low.” But, which tire??…

The Spirit Ride

All tow truck drivers are required to take a defensive driving course prior to renewing their city permits. I can usually tell if someone in my Comedy Defensive Driving class is a tow truck driver because they often resemble Grizzly Adams with their ZZ-Top, lumbersexual type beards. I have also learned to tell the difference…

Costly Traffic Tickets

If you’ve received a traffic citation lately, they look like a Wal-Mart receipt. When I was a new driver, a traffic ticket was a small carbon copy and the price of the ticket was posted on the back side of the ticket. Assuming you were speeding, it would indicate what the cost was by how…

Fuel Shortage

When Hurricane Harvey was about to hit (and boy did it hit like a prize-fighter), newscasters were warning folks to get fuel now because there will be a fuel shortage due to Texas refineries shutting down. Of course, Texas is the energy capital of the country. They shut down as a precaution before the hurricane…

Emotional Impatient Drivers

Drivers are so emotional these days. Every little thing is a trigger for road rage. I remember when, if you wanted to pass another car, you would flash your headlights at them. And it meant “I would like to pass, would you please move over.” Now flashing your headlights means “Get the heck out of…

Drinking and Driving

Today is Independence Day and I’m 1776% sure that most people are celebrating with alcohol. While we in the U.S. are commemorating our liberation from Great Britain, I’m curious how the British spend this day (sulking?). Celebrating our independence is our God-given right. Drinking and driving is not and may result in someone losing their…

Elderly Driver

My Mother turned 80 years old and had to take both a driving test and a written test to renew her license as an elderly driver in Illinois. Every time I spoke with her on the phone, she was studying her state’s driver handbook. She was clearly worried that she may not pass the driving…

Car Maintenance

It’s true that regular preventative car maintenance improves fuel efficiency and produces less vehicle emissions. So, to help the environment and to save a little cash at the same time, please have your car maintenance scheduled today! One would think that protecting our ozone layer for the future health of our kids would encourage people…