Go West Young Man

I was driving into the southwest on my way to Acoma, New Mexico to do a comedy show at the Sky City Casino in 2001. As I made my way into the land of enchantment an eerie essence took over my driving. This strange but familiar highway hypnosis of anticipation to the upcoming show takes…


What Do I Do…

What do I do? I had to ask myself that question as I was meditating one night before bed, OK maybe I was more MEDICATing then “tating”. None the less, I pondered that self-inquiry and if one is not expecting that, it could raise some self-doubt. “What do I do?”- The little voice that my…


To Be Green Or Not To Be Green…

A bill is being introduced, AB 2254 to the California Legislators in November 2010 to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana. 57 percent of the voters who were polled are in favor to legalize it. I think Arnold Schwarzenegger and certain California Lawmakers are on a “mission from God”; It will become law. Marijuana, weed, grass,…


Children of the Sun

I think when we stop hating other human beings because of race, sexual orientation and ideology/religion, we will be ready. When we stop following the false idol of currency, killing each other and ourselves, we will be ready! When we stop destroying our planet, the home that was giving to us and all living beings,…


The Meaning of Life

“The meaning of life is to enjoy.” – His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada Baklava… …that last part of the name makes me hungry for Mexican food! Just kidding, Baklava (Middle Eastern pastry) is not part of his name. Now before I start this blog I just want to say, I have respect and an open…


Hell Paso

El Paso, aka The Pass, Hell’s Pass, Hell Paso, Texas. This intriguing and mysterious border town is a Mexican oasis nestled in the baron Chihuahuan Desert. The Pass, as it is appropriately named is one of the top four most unique cities in the U.S., in my opinion. Mark Twain’s top four were San Francisco,…



A Fauxlebrity is someone who is a “fake celebrity” A person with no talent who is often thrust into the limelight usually because of reality TV, being the offspring of a celebrity, or being associated with someone talented. But let us not forget the biggest fauxlebrities of them all, the heir of someone else’s fortune.…
