Insurance Rates Increased

Due to insurance companies paying out unprecedented sums and claims, you will notice that your automotive insurance rates have increased. According to industry watchdogs auto insurance for 2022 had an average increase of 9% and for 2023 the average increase is 7%.  Here are some of the factors that determine your rates: Driving record Credit…

Reducing Insurance Rates

Insurance rates are affected by a number of things. Your age is a big factor and insurance is much higher for new drivers under the age of 25. This is especially true for male drivers, so your gender is another important element in determining your insurance rates. When my daughter turned 16 and got her…

Texas Two Step

As of March 1st, Texas will now have both the Inspection Sticker and the Registration Sticker combined into one. They’re calling it the Texas Two Step. So now, you will only require one sticker on your windshield in Texas, your Registration Sticker. And it will serve as combined proof of both the registration and the…