Trusting Other Drivers

  Trusting Other Drivers I don’t know about you, but I have trust issues. And I certainly don’t trust other drivers around me while they are texting, tailgating, road raging, etc. How comfortable do you feel telling the person driving you around that they should not be texting while driving? Especially when they have passengers…


Most people (including myself) have very little knowledge of how anti-lock brakes actually work. I say “including myself” here, because most people my age were driving in the days prior to anti-lock brakes in the car. My first car with anti-lock brakes was a 1989 Volvo wagon (I know…yuppie mom…luggage rack and the whole shebang).…

I do NOT like road rage!

“Everything is bigger and better in Texas!”That’s pretty much the un-official slogan of the lone star state but there is one more slogan you can add to the list; “Piss us off on the road and we’ll shoot you!”Road rage is an infectious psychotic pandemic that has swept across America since the 19—‘s and has…

Expect the un-expected

First of all I would like to apologize about not having the video blog up, due to circumstances beyond my control. Which brings me to an important subject one that we can all relate to, things that happen on the road that are beyond our control. It takes you thirty minutes to get from work…