Railroad Crossings - Comedy Defensive Driving


I grew up in a house that stood about 1,500 feet from the Burlington Northern rail line. And when those trains would sound that crazy horn at wee hours of night it would scare the bejeezus out of me! Heck, I think because of that, I wet the bed until I was in middle school.…

ALLERGIES IMPAIR DRIVING - Comedy Defensive Driving


I recently found out that I am allergic to nuts. So I have stopped dating, altogether. I am also allergic to cats. Not the feline, but the musical “CATS.” I’ve seen it once on Broadway and my eyes swelled shut (any musical, for that matter). The real bummer is that I drove to the theatre,…

Holiday Car Safety Tips

Christmas is the time for giving! The Salvation Army’s bell ringer is almost “pavlovian” to our ears, reminding us that it is better to give than to receive. It also should remind us that not everyone is fortunate enough to afford buying gifts. And desperate times call for desperate measures. During busy holiday shopping, cars…

The Latest Airbags

Cars now have more airbags than ever! Some cars even have up to 10 airbags. My Dad used to fondly refer to my Mom as “The Seat Belt” because she’d throw her arm across your chest whenever she had to slam on the brakes. Now he calls her “The Airbag.” Sweet of him to create…

Summer Driving Hazards

Icy roads and being caught with your car broken down in a winter storm is something we all fear. But a summer road trip can also have some elements of danger. According to the IIHS (Insurance Institute of Highway Safety), August has the highest number of fatal car accidents than any other month. July and…