Headlight Flashing Comedy Defensive Driving


I remember back in the good old days when headlight flashing was used as a communication tool. If you flashed your headlights behind a driver in the passing lane it meant “Please move over so that I may pass you.” Now, apparently it means “Get the heck out of my way.” Truckers still flash their…

Road Rage

Now that the holidays are over, we can get back to being our old, angry selves. How many of us have thought “Let’s just cut the phony business and stop being the nice, caring and giving individuals that we portrayed ourselves to be throughout the holiday season.” Who cares about other people’s feelings? I have…

A Patient Driver

Happy Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Winter Solstice…Happy Everything!! I went up to the post office yesterday to mail out my Christmas cards and stolen goods (because they say the best things in life are free…that’s why I shop lift). And you know what I miss? They used to have a bulletin board at…

Emotional Impatient Drivers

Drivers are so emotional these days. Every little thing is a trigger for road rage. I remember when, if you wanted to pass another car, you would flash your headlights at them. And it meant “I would like to pass, would you please move over.” Now flashing your headlights means “Get the heck out of…


I am a true believer that the chicken came before the egg. I also believe that embarrassing driving mistakes, followed by a “honk” from another driver letting you know what a goober driver you are leads to anger and sometimes full-on road rage. No one wants to be scolded in public, especially by a stranger.…

Rushed Drivers

Why are drivers always in such a big darned hurry? Apparently, impatience leads to rudeness. I remember when attempting to pass someone in the left lane, you would flash your headlights at them. This used to mean “I would like to pass you, please, would you mind moving over to the right lane so that…

Vacationing Drivers

This week, I am on the beautiful Florida coast. It’s a nice, sunny place with a lot of shady people. I suppose that wouldn’t fit on a license plate, so they just decided to call it the Sunshine State. I refuse to go into the Ocean here because everything in the Ocean has teeth (even…

Independence Day Holiday

Happy Independence Day holiday! I love, love, love being an American. Yes, I like to throw the word LOVE around like they throw diet pills around at a Weight Watchers meeting. One word that I have sworn off is the word HATE. And there…I just used it. So, I am a liar and a hater.…