According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT), “Speeding limits are posted primarily to inform motorists of the speed considered reasonable by a majority of drivers on a particular roadway.” And, a safer driving environment is established when motorists drive at the same speed. If you don’t know what that means, check out last week’s…

Male v.s. Female Drivers

It has been an ongoing argument since the caveman invented the wheel (or was it Fred Flintstone?) that men are better drivers than women. Or are they? Statistically, more men die in car crashes than women. But, statistically, men drive more than women. My own personal observation regarding male vs female drivers is that men…

A Patient Driver

Happy Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Winter Solstice…Happy Everything!! I went up to the post office yesterday to mail out my Christmas cards and stolen goods (because they say the best things in life are free…that’s why I shop lift). And you know what I miss? They used to have a bulletin board at…

Rushed Drivers

Why are drivers always in such a big darned hurry? Apparently, impatience leads to rudeness. I remember when attempting to pass someone in the left lane, you would flash your headlights at them. This used to mean “I would like to pass you, please, would you mind moving over to the right lane so that…

A Crash Free Society

It is said that a high percentage of crashes are due to a driver’s attitude or behavior. So, could it be true that if we just stayed more focused and had better control of our emotions we would inevitably make better decisions and therefore nearly eliminate crashes, altogether? Could we actually become a crash free…


Speed traps in North America.Cha ching!Where do we start?There are several websites whose sole purpose is to locate and create a listing of speed traps across the country.Speedtrap.org is one such website.(Another option that I feel has saved me from being ticketed over the years? Just drive like a nervous Chihuahua and look out for…