open container laws in Texas


What do you want for Christmas? If it’s bail money, then maybe this blog is a little too late for you. But maybe it’s not too late for everyone else. Most people don’t drink and drive anymore. And why would you, with so many inexpensive rideshare services available now? But what about the open container…

The Legal BACL

Do you know what the legal BACL (blood-alcohol content level) is for driving while intoxicated? It is .08. Not to be confused with .08 cents (which is 50 cent’s younger brother). I was thinking, if Lincoln was a rapper (just go with me here), what would his rapper name have been? Five cent? Maybe Weird…

Arrive Alive

With the staggering numbers of DWI’s and loss of lives due to DWI’s in the U.S., it’s nice to know that there’s help out there. If you plan to drink away from home, just don’t drive. The plan is to avoid drunk driving and arrive alive. If you cannot plan a ride home with a…

Drunk Drivers

Whether you’re Irish or just Irish for the day, Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! You may have noticed more police patrolling our streets since last weekend. Police have been initiating special law enforcement efforts during Saint Patrick’s Day week to keep drunk drivers off the road. This special intensive effort will run through tonight, March 17.…

Amber Waves of Grain and Hops

Katherine Lee Bates was a poet and literature professor. She wrote the verses that became known as “America The Beautiful.” One memorable line “Amber Waves of Grain” was inspired by her train journey across the midwest, my original stomping ground. This poem was paired with a hymn to commemorate the Fourth of July. I learned…


Most people believe that New Year’s Eve is likely the holiday where the most DWI arrests occur. Not true…that is just one evening. Most arrests actually occur at my family reunions. My Mother is the eldest of ten sisters. Every one of them, with the exception of my Mom are all mean, drinking bar-fighting women.…

The police are coming to get you!!!

The police pulling people over on simple traffic stops and robbing their money, sounds like something you would hear about in North Korea, Libya or some third world country but it’s not, it’s happening right here in the United States of America!I wish there was a clever little joke I could throw in there or…