Dangerously Short Ramps

Whatever happened to the good old rule of accelerating when entering the freeway and decelerating when exiting? This is a question that was brought up in a recent defensive driving class. Well, there are a few factors that contribute to these problems. First of all, the highway entrance and exit ramps are generally too short. In…

Merging Zipper

One thing that typically irks people is a crazy traffic jam caused because people don’t know how to merge (or, actually, they choose not to merge properly). Whatever happened to the good old “zipper” tactic when merging lanes? Remember, the one car, per car merging zipper that you should have been taught in driver education?…

Increasing Road Safety

An awesome new website has just launched this month! Look Out Texans is an education campaign aimed at increasing road safety for all road users (vehicles, bikes and pedestrians) in North Texas. What a great idea, creating a website where you can learn about safety when walking, biking and driving. With more people moving to…


In a perfect World, we’d all own a brand new car. If you can afford a new car along with the taxes and the full coverage insurance that a new car requires, then you’re a snot and can stop reading this right now. If not, please read on and we’ll explore the options to look…

Speed Limits Have Increased

Unless you’ve recently had your license revoked, you’ve probably noticed that speed limits have increased. Since 2013, speeds have become more extreme, and they continue to increase. Although driving under the speed limit, or not with the flow of traffic has been found to cause more crashes than speeding, the high impact from speeding crashes…


I saw an automobile insurance advertisement on a city bus that said “No Driver License? No Problem!” Now, that’s very disturbing to me. I always thought that you actually need a driver license to insure a vehicle. That just makes sense. Someone told me just yesterday that she was broadsided by a non-resident who ran…


Carjacking is one of the fastest growing national crimes. Cars are currently more difficult to steal since many newer vehicles are now equipped with sophisticated anti-theft devices. So, apparently car thieves have turned to carjacking. Here are ten precautions devised by the Texas Department of Public Safety that you can take to prevent being carjacked:…