We Offer Texas Defensive Driving at Cities throughout Texas

If you have a traffic ticket and you wish that you could simply get rid of it, then we have the answer for you. Our Texas defensive driving classes will allow you to dismiss your traffic ticket, and you can do this while you are having fun. Attending our defensive driving classes not only dismisses your traffic ticket, but it is also a way to get out for some fun. You will meet new people and enjoy a meal. Many students tell us that they felt like they were at a comedy club instead of at a defensive driving class. You can be sure that there will be no lectures about defensive driving. We teach you through humor — a way of learning that helps students remember important facts that can keep you from getting any more of those traffic tickets. Some of the other reasons why students choose our classroom version instead of our online version of defensive driving are these:

• Class is completed in one day
• No internet problems
• Only 5 hours of class time, plus 1 hour of break time
• Taught by a professional comedian
• Feels good to get it done

Our classes are state-approved by all courts in Texas. If you are not sure if you are eligible to take a defensive driving course to dismiss your traffic citation, we suggest that you call the court that handled your case in traffic court. They will be able to tell you this information. In most cases, you can take the course again if it has been one year since you last took it.

Sometimes, the court gets your Texas driving record for you. Other times, you may need to get online and order it yourself from the State of Texas website. Simply follow the link to “Order Driving Record” and complete the information needed. You will need to be sure to order the certified version, 3A, because most courts require a certified copy of your driving record. The court wants to know how many traffic tickets you have already had dismissed by taking defensive driving classes, and they can see this information on your driving record.

Also, after you are finished taking our defensive driving course in Texas, you will need to send or take your certificate that we send to you to the court by the date that they provided to you. Some courts also require your driving record to be sent at the same time.

Have Fun with Texas Defensive Driving Class

We have designed our Texas defensive driving class to be entertaining and enjoyable. When you come to class, you will need to bring a state-issued ID, like your driver’s license, passport, or birth certificate. You also need to bring a copy of your traffic ticket or any paperwork that you were given by the court.

It is important to be on time, because state law does not permit us to allow students who are late to enter the classroom. Be sure to bring a pen and paper with you to take notes, because there is a test at the end of the class. Don’t worry about the test, though, because over 2.5 million students have taken our class and passed their test, since 1989. We know that you can also do it.

You will also want to bring some money with you if you have not paid for your class online at comedydefensivedriving.com. We accept either cash or money order for your payment, and prices start at only $25.00. Some of our locations have the cost of your meal added into the course fee, while other Texas locations provide a menu with food available for sale during your break time. In only a few hours, you will finish the class and you will shortly receive your certificate in the mail.

Lisa: Lisa has been involved with defensive driving since 1999. She has been active providing important information regarding driving safety and periodic law changes in Texas and the United States. She enjoys driving safely, outdoor activities and hanging with her children.