A Texas Defensive Driving Course That is Fun to Take

Students who have taken our Texas Defensive Driving Course have found that they have a lot of fun in the classroom. We have had headline comedians such as Robert Hawkins, Ralphie May, Scott Kennedy, and others teach our defensive driving courses since 1989. Here is some important information that you need to know before enrolling in our course:
• You need to be approved for defensive driving by the court that issued you the traffic citation – You will be notified if you need to obtain a certified copy of your Texas driving record. The court should have told you if you needed to obtain your driving record. If you are not sure about this, you will need to contact the court.
• If your driving record is required, it is to see how many traffic violations you have had dismissed in the past. If you have had another traffic ticket in the current year, you may be able to take the course to have another ticket dismissed.
• You can obtain your driving record online, and we highly recommend using this method. Simply go to the State of Texas website and follow the links to order your driving record. You will need to be sure to order version 3A, which is a certified copy that is required by most courts.
Texas Defensive Driving Course is Available at Many Locations in the State
We have many classroom locations where our Texas defensive driving course is held, including Dallas, Lubbock, Addison, Fort Worth, Denton, El Paso, Austin, Plano, and many more.

Lisa: Lisa has been involved with defensive driving since 1999. She has been active providing important information regarding driving safety and periodic law changes in Texas and the United States. She enjoys driving safely, outdoor activities and hanging with her children.