Summer Construction Zones

Summer Construction Zones

North America is getting a new facelift, thats why we have all these summer construction zones. I hope it doesn’t end up looking like Joan Rivers…what a freak! It seems like they are doing construction on all of the freeways in every state. If your vacation time means taking a road trip, look out for summer construction zones…they’re everywhere. Not only are construction zones dangerous for workers, but for drivers as well. In Texas alone, there were 17,000 crashes in roadway work zones in 2012. Those crashes resulted in 134 deaths. Narrow lanes, curves, barriers and driver inattention have contributed to many of these accidents. As for the workers, The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that Texas ranked as the state with the most worker deaths in work zones in 2011. Thank goodness it has decreased, but not by much.

Apparently, signs alone don’t always work. So, some states have implemented “rumble strips” as an additional safety measure in construction zones. The Texas Department of Public Safety just spent over 4 million dollars on the strips and they are currently only installing them on rural highways. These are laid ahead of a construction zone and are apparently like mini speed bumps. Their purpose is to get a drivers attention, slow them down and make them aware that they are entering a work zone. If you are caught speeding in a work zone with workers present, your traffic fine will double. So, perhaps rumble strips which are put into place to remind us that we are approaching a work zone will save us a costly ticket as well. So it’s like a double-whammy.

If you are going on a trip this summer, check ahead of time and see where construction is currently being done on your route. You may want to take an alternate route, if possible. And, try to remain alert for all signage when you are driving on your trip so you don’t miss any of those important summer construction zones.

Until next week,

Daun Thompson
Writer / Comedienne / Artist

Summer Construction Zones – Comedy Defensive Driving

Daun Thompson: Daun Thompson has spent years acting in both film and theatre which has been paramount in launching her onto the comedy stage (incidentally, without a helmet, resulting in a nasty concussion). Being a funny girl is a full time job. A job that she hopes that one day will come with dental benefits and a 401K. Unlike her work, she is biodegradable, yet flame retardant. And gentle to the touch. Her goal in life??? For strangers to approach her and ask "Didn't you used to be somebody?" In the late 1980's she cut her teeth at the Velveeta Room on 6th Street in Austin, Texas ... the original room with the stripper pole. From there, she moved to northern California and worked with many comedy icons, like Mitch Hedberg, Marc Maron, Colin Quinn, Vic Dunlop, Huck Flyn, Michael Mancini, Doug Ferrari, Shang and Brian Posehn. Daun has been a licensed driver safety instructor and trainer with Comedy Defensive Driving for over 9 years. Her knowledge of driving safety laws keeps her readers informed and engaged with her blog adventures. She still continues to do stand-up comedy, sometimes in a reclining position...just to be different.