Our Florida Online Traffic School Is Fast and Easy

You can be sure that when you complete our Florida online traffic school course that you will satisfy court-ordered or DMV-ordered classes in the easiest, most enjoyable way possible. If you have been mandated to attend a four hour BDI/TCAC Traffic School, our online course fits the bill. You will be able to do these things with our course:

• Satisfy Court/DMV-ordered classes

• Reduce points on your driver’s license

• Lower your auto insurance by up to 10%

Florida traffic school has never been easier. Our course has been written by top comedic talent and is designed to keep you interested and entertained. You will laugh through the entire course. If you need to stop for any reason, that’s okay. Just resume watching where you left off. There is no reading, no writing, and no arithmetic in this course that has been completed by more than 2,500,000 million students since we began our traffic school in 1989.

Florida Online Traffic School is Affordable

Our Florida online traffic school costs only $25.00, with no hidden fees. You receive everything for this fee. After you have finished watching the video, we will electronically submit your certificate directly to the DMV for you. There are many benefits to choosing our Florida defensive driving course if you need to attend traffic school. You can take our classes in the comfort of your home, or anywhere with an internet connection. Watch the entire video at one time, or spread it out over a week, if you like.

Lisa: Lisa has been involved with defensive driving since 1999. She has been active providing important information regarding driving safety and periodic law changes in Texas and the United States. She enjoys driving safely, outdoor activities and hanging with her children.