An Online Defensive Driving Course Gives You More Flexibility

If you live in Texas or Florida, and are required to take a basic driver improvement course due to excessive moving violations and points on your license, you have a few different options. You could take the course in a traditional classroom setting. Just remember you are required to be there for the entire duration of the class. You may have to take a day off of work, find a babysitter for your children, or make other such adjustments to your schedule. Another option, when you want more control and flexibility, is to sign up for an online defensive driving course.

Benefits of an Online Defensive Driving Course

Taking an online defensive driving course has several benefits and is well suited for those with busy schedules, or people who do not want to spend an entire day sitting in a classroom. Our online courses include the following features:

Start and Stop the Course Any Time – You are free to complete the course on your schedule.
No Reading or Writing Required – Unlike other online courses, our comedic and certified instructors do all the talking. You simply watch, listen, and learn.
A Pure All-Video Course – You watch the course much like you would a video.
Texas and Florida State Approved – Our online course is approved and meets the required state requirements for BDI and TCAC courses.
Money Back Guarantee – Customer satisfaction is a priority, and we are here to help. Comedy Defensive Driving offers a simple, fun, and fast way to complete your defensive driving course.
No Final Exam – Our online course includes short section tests at the end of each chapter instead of a comprehensive final exam.
Compatible with Mac or Windows Computers, Tablets, and Mobile Devices – The only other items you need are headphones or speakers to hear the instructor, and a mouse and keyboard for your computer.

To learn more about our online course, sign up for your class, or obtain more information, visit our website, or contact one of our friendly customer service agents today.

Lisa: Lisa has been involved with defensive driving since 1999. She has been active providing important information regarding driving safety and periodic law changes in Texas and the United States. She enjoys driving safely, outdoor activities and hanging with her children.