The Difference between Offensive and Defensive Driving

There are two different types of driving used on the roads, one is offensive driving and the other is defensive driving. What is the meaning of offensive driving? Offensive driving habits are the result of poor driving skills which result in a driver speeding, driving too fast for conditions, cutting other drivers off, improper lane changes and can lead to accidents. Driving defensively is the preferred method of driving which all drivers should try to follow, and is following speed limits, allowing for safe following distances, using turn signals, and following proper driving rules.

Improve Defensive Driving Skills with Online Traffic School

People, who desire to improve their defensive driving skills, can take courses through online traffic school. In these courses drivers are taught about the correct and proper driving habits and things they can do to improve their driving. Courses can be taken voluntarily which can help lower insurance rates. People looking for a fun and informative online traffic school can use Comedy Defensive Driving, which uses top comedians as instructors.

Lisa: Lisa has been involved with defensive driving since 1999. She has been active providing important information regarding driving safety and periodic law changes in Texas and the United States. She enjoys driving safely, outdoor activities and hanging with her children.