Happy Halloween, you bastards

I would like to start this blog off with wishing you and your’s a safe and happy All Hallows Eve, Halloween, All Souls and All Saints holiday.  There will be gobblins, witches, mummies, vampires and Lady Gagas on the streets trick or treating, but even scarier than that, drunk drivers will be on the same roads.  I think it’s kinda ironic, instead of “Chester the Molester” approaching kids and offering candy, the kids will conveniently come to Chester’s house and solicit the goodies.   If you don’t give up the candy to these Twilight/New Moon wannabes, these little bastards will vandalize your sporty SUV or shave your cat!  I’ve got a solution to these juvenile heathens, B.B. gun and night vision goggles.  Be extra careful on the roads for ghoulish pedestrians and drunk drivers.  If you are going to drink, plan ahead.  Spend the night with a vampire.  Get Frankenstein to drive you home as long as Frankie hasn’t been drinking the Jesus juice.  Take those keys away from the Werewolf who’s had a few too many salty dogs.

I hope this Halloween is the best yet and I hope you have many more to come.  We will have our videos up again soon, so keep checking back.  Also, I would like to thank everyone who has sent in their comments and suggestions.  Join me again next week and until then…   

Lisa: Lisa has been involved with defensive driving since 1999. She has been active providing important information regarding driving safety and periodic law changes in Texas and the United States. She enjoys driving safely, outdoor activities and hanging with her children.