Taylor has been with the company for several years and is by far the favorite. She was also allowed to write this bio herself. Taylor is our social media manager, blog writer and is in charge of our scholarship program.

Driver Safety Course

Taking a driver safety course to learn new skills or freshen up on things you may have forgotten, is always a good idea! Everyone should consider taking a driver safety course at least once every couple of years. Not only does this keep your skill set sharp, it can also help to save money on…

U.S. traffic fatalities see steep increase despite less cars on the road

  If there was ever a time to think traffic fatalities should decrease, it would be during a global pandemic where most people are staying home and driving less. Unfortunately, that was not the case for 2019-2021. In fact, traffic fatalities increased almost 19%. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety…