No Left Turns

What if left turns were not permitted? Wouldn’t that be strange? The truth is, left turns have been found to be responsible for a high number of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities. In fact, one quarter of motor vehicle crashes involving pedestrians happen during left turns. UPS (United Postal Service) instilled a “no left turns” policy…

Gas Saving Tips

With the high price of fuel, I find myself spending a lot of time just driving around aimlessly searching for the best gas prices. That, in itself, is a waste of fuel. I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea and think that I’ve been “sniffing” too much fuel here. I can’t win for…

Energy Efficient Driving

Energy Efficient Driving or aka: Windows Down or Windows Up I had a gig in Corpus Christi and decided to drive there from Dallas. It seemed cheaper than flying and we were trying to economize. Besides, on the map, it was only about three inches, which is apparently equivalent to seven hours (who knew?). That’s…