Ride sharing

Ride sharing is a brilliant idea! Not only does it encourage people to not drink and drive, it also is great for the environment and fuel conservation. I am curious as to how much money an Uber or Lyft driver actually makes. And if it is a lucrative business move to become an independent driver.…

At Night Stay Right

Don’t you often wonder how on Earth someone could enter a freeway or toll ramp on the wrong side and wind up, barreling along, going the wrong way? When I see one of these wrong way drivers on the news, the first thought that enters my head is they must be drunk when driving on…

Fear the green beer!

“Oh the luck of the Irish – Weee me pot-of-gold – U2 is my favorite band – the reason why God invented whiskey, so the Irish wouldn’t rule the world.”(old bar joke) St. Patrick’s Day is this Thursday and I’m already looking forward to the green beer, St.Pat’s parades, the green panties my cougar promised…