Underage Drinking

When I moved to Texas in 1979, everyone in the car could have an open container…even the driver. I thought you’d get a citation if you didn’t drink and drive. We’ve totally evolved since those glory days (or, as some of my friends call them, the R.I.P. days). Eventually, the law changed and only passengers…


Most people believe that New Year’s Eve is likely the holiday where the most DWI arrests occur. Not true…that is just one evening. Most arrests actually occur at my family reunions. My Mother is the eldest of ten sisters. Every one of them, with the exception of my Mom are all mean, drinking bar-fighting women.…


Speed traps in North America.Cha ching!Where do we start?There are several websites whose sole purpose is to locate and create a listing of speed traps across the country.Speedtrap.org is one such website.(Another option that I feel has saved me from being ticketed over the years? Just drive like a nervous Chihuahua and look out for…

The police are coming to get you!!!

The police pulling people over on simple traffic stops and robbing their money, sounds like something you would hear about in North Korea, Libya or some third world country but it’s not, it’s happening right here in the United States of America!I wish there was a clever little joke I could throw in there or…

Get the evil out of you!

Spiritual driving, yeah we’re gonna get deep with this one.When it comes to driving your vehicle, there are two forces at work, the good and the evil. The evil is my “addictions” and I’m not talking about drugs, (I’ve been clean since Oct 8, 2002)  I am talking about my other addictions that plague me…

The Information Super Highway

We have come a long way since our automobiles just took us from point A to point B or a cellular phone just made phone calls, now both can do so much more.Come to think of it, when was the last time you heard a car referred to as an “automobile?”Grandpa’s drunken stories of when…