What is Hydroplaning?

  What is hydroplaning in driving? When your vehicle’s tires lose traction with the road surface, it is hydroplaning. If you’re driving in the rain and there’s more water on the road than your tires can safely push away, you could find yourself unable to control the steering, speed, and braking of your vehicle. Without…

Turn Around Don’t Drown

Rain, rain, go away. Please come back another day. It’s been raining nearly every darned day this week. My lawn certainly loves it. I’ve been mowing my lawn twice a week. It’s a great work out. Don’t get me wrong. Who needs the gym? I was thinking about using the firewood pile that’s floated over…

Those Summer Rains

Summer Rains If April showers bring May flowers, then those summer rains are quite a pain. If only I were a poet…a sober poet. But who’s ever heard of a sober poet? What’s the fun in poetry if you can’t attempt to rhyme words like “sobriety” with “dude, where’d I leave my car?” Even a…


  April showers bring May flowers. But, for Texans, they bring hydroplaning mayhem as well as vehicle drownings. In fact, Texas leads the Nation in vehicle drownings. Kind of sad, isn’t it? That they talk about the vehicle drowning and not the people in it??…Cold. Apparently, it’s mostly pick-up trucks. Really??In Texas??Go figure. If you…