Hands-Free State Law In Texas

I was elated to hear that Austin is soon to be a hands free city. Texas cities may finally be added to the hands-free list. Although some cities in Texas already ban texting while driving, there is no hands-free state law in Texas (except in active school zones and those listed below). Austin city council…

Texting in America

Reading a Facebook post by comedienne, Jasmine Ellis made me realize how cell phone use is affecting all of us. She posted the she is “Aggravated by these Dallas drivers! How have I been rear ended twice in the last 30 days? And they actually say “I was looking down at my phone” and didn’t…

Texting Yourself To Death

Ever ride in the car with someone and they’re all over the road trying to send or read a text message? Speak up! If a texting driver is making you nervous but you’re not quite sure how to bring the topic up, try these suggestions: If you really don’t feel comfortable telling a driver to…