Blowing Out A Tire

Blowing out a tire has been, by far, the most frightening thing that has ever happened to me in my many years of driving. I suppose I should feel lucky that it was a rear tire that blew out, rather than a front tire. I have heard that a front tire blowout can really jerk…

Crazy Laws

Even if you’re not from Texas, you probably know that it is illegal to urinate on the Alamo, thanks to Ozzy Osbourne! Of course, that was over 32 years ago. I’m sure they make Depends for rockers too, don’t they? In April of this year, a 23-year-old El Paso resident was sentenced to 18 months…

Older Drivers

It’s normal for our driving habits and abilities to change as we get older. Weaker eyesight, slower reflexes, impaired hearing and driving stamina all are common factors which could result in quite a bang-up for older drivers. And, let’s face it, with osteoporosis, most of us will be getting shorter. Heck, I can barely see…

Leaving Dogs In Hot Cars

We all love our pets like they are a member of the family. Now that summer is here, we’ll be taking those family members to the dog park and maybe even on vacation. And, although we don’t intend to be leaving dogs in hot cars while we run an errand, sometimes it happens. Most people…