Defensive Driving Announcement: Pass it on!

Pass this information along to everyone you know. With the increase of law enforcement agencies using “un-marked” police vehicles to help in fighting the “war on speeding,” it has made it easier for cowards to impersonate police officers. Police have been utilizing this clever tactic of minivans, SUVs and trucks in aiding with the element…

Some like it hot

It’s hot!! Sweat starts to run down the crack of your a$%^… The bank clock reads; 101 degrees F and the “F” stands for, well, you know. Even your car has had enough of this heat wave and begins to overheat while you’re stuck in traffic, what would you do in this situation? Panic and…

Dating Auto Warranties

Ever shopped around for auto warranties? You really got to do your homework, new car warranties, extended auto warranties, bumper to bumper or powertrain, not to mention third-party warranties. But which one will keep your car on the road without having to eat mac and cheese or Raman Noodles for dinner? I was thinking in…

Bad weather!!!

Driving in bad weather is a major cause of accidents around the country, wow, bet you didn’t know that, right?! When it ices over drivers act like it’s the start of the apocalypse. They slam on their brakes on iced over bridges and over passes. “WOOHOO! GET READY FOR THE RIDE!” All you have to…